Geological-geotechnical characterization of Gamboa dam spillway


PAS – Permisos Ambientales Sectoriales – Aquist Hidrogeológica


This request consisted in a geological and geomorphological characterization of soil deposits and rock units that outcrop upstream and downstream the dam spillway and particularly the left side of the spillway.

This dam is part of Essal’s drinkable water supply net and provides water to Castro city, Chiloé province, Los Lagos region.


To fulfill the requirement there was information gathered and analyzed, geological and geotechnical field recognition, besides checking the singularities that the dam structure had, and a final report given to the client with the respective recommendations.


As a result from this study, detailed plans with rock units and sediment recognized in the area where the dam is located, punctualizing a geotechnical and structural characterization of the rock mass up on the dam wall was built. In addition, recommendation over works on the structure were made in order to extend the dam utilization time.
