Who we are
AQUIST is a consultancy organization that gathers the wide experience of outstanding professionals with new generations of high qualified professionals. Our team is conformed by hydrogeologist, civil engineers and geologists.
We are commited to guide our clients and partners through the application of the experience that characterize us, giving customizable solutions wich includes the enviroment protection and the sustaintability of water resources.

Being the standar in hydrogeology, providing customizable and expert´s solutions.
Contribute to the development and viability of our client´s projects, providing the best of us through a customizable and expert consultancy service.

Our purpose is to contribute to the development and feasibility of our client’s projects through an expert and customizable consultancy service, contributing not only with our wide and high quialified professional team, but also with the information analysis using specialized softwares in different fields of work and the usage of computing tools for data processing. We work with satellite images, aereal pictures, digital plans, hydrogeological models and a lot more.
Layto Dalannais Director Ejecutivo
Geologist from Universidad Católica del Norte. Postgraduated in hydrogeology at Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña and at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. See more.
Pedro Simunovic Gerente Técnico
Geologist from the Universidad Católica del Norte. Master in Underground Hydrology at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Ph. D. (c) Hydrogeology at the University of Chile. See more.
(Español) Marcelo Solari Jefe de Especialidad Hidrogeología y Geoquímica
(Español) Geólogo y Doctor en Ciencias, Mención Geología, de la Universidad de Chile. Master en Gestión industria 4.0 y Automatización, Three Points The Digital Business School – Grupo Planeta / Universitat Politècnica Catalunya..
(Español) Angelo Castillo Hidrogeólogo de Proyectos
Civil Engineer. MBA at Universidad de Chile with Diplomas in Hydrogeology and Enviromental Law from the same Institution and at Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. See more.